Hushed to the crushing clouds
We didn’t really know what words to use since that stutter, or even if uttering a word was useful, desirable. Everything is already so saturated with information, was it not better to take advantage of this, in our small measure, to slow down a little, not to force the crazy pace of the world while the world itself seemed to be turning upside down and asking us for a break?

And then friendship, the sense of playing and sharing took over, and as the conversations went on, the idea came to us to launch this humble marabout of sonorous string, cheerfully titled ‘Confinuum‘, as a euphoric and musical exorcism to ward off boredom, anguish, and to share the moments of grace that, despite everything, always happen.

‘Confinuum‘ thus sees several of the artists in our catalogue, invited to take over from each other in a long chain of signatures, graffiti, compositions, dances or ritornello, moments of contemplation, or on the contrary, pure bouncing impulses, each one reacting subjectively to the mood that precedes them, taking whoever follows as the counterpart for a moving mosaic, a gesticulating puzzle from which you will be free to listen to each piece individually, or to follow the current in one direction or the other.

An ear or a shoulder
All songs composed and produced by Miguel Constantino.

Trumpets by Lorinho Schönberg.
Synths on Lit d'Algues by Emilie Rougier.
Acoustic guitars recorded with Pierre Guerineau.

Irow Yellon
Like everyone in Spring 2020, i've decided to record a new album.
It's going well but not yet ready, so I've put together some demos that will not make it on the record.
Most of them were composed and instantly recorded at night in my bedroom, multi-tracking alone and pretending i'm in a band.
Since it's complicated to be in a room with other musicians, and also because of a phenomenon that, with my friend Stephane Laporte, we like to call "demo syndrome", i got used to these rough versions, and i can't hear them differently now.
So here they are, better here than on my hard-drive probably!

Nose Muscles
All songs composed and produced by Miguel Constantino.

Lyrics, voices, and synths on "salutation..." by Emilie Rougier. 
Trumpets and percussions on "salutation..." by Lorinho Schönberg. 
Cello on "my ears..." by Friederike Ziegler.

For their 2013 annual festival, Materiais Diversos challenged 6 artists from different areas and 6 working textil factories to explore what exists beyond the product. In partnership with Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, the resulting pieces were displayed in a former factory turned into a cultural hub, as part of an on going social, economic and artistic dialogue. This sound piece is the result of my residency at Malhas Achega.

released September 12, 2013
Composed and produced by Miguel Constantino.
Recorded and mixed in Minde, Portugal, summer 2013.

Copyright © Miguel Constantino 2023, all rights reserved.